Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is a good product for dreads?My dreads do not seem to want to lock after my new growth comes ou

I use Natural Hair Care-Organic Root Stimulator Lock and Twist Gel.It leaves my hair dull looking,and my hair is black,but the Gel is whitish/clear.I need help!!!!!!!

What is a good product for dreads?My dreads do not seem to want to lock after my new growth comes out .?

1. stay away from wax. it actually hinders the dreading process.

2. make sure you wash your hair when you feel like you need to wash it, for the oils from your scalp can keep your new growth/roots from locking.

3. i highly recommend Dr. Bronners soap for washing dreads. it doesn't leave a residue and it keeps my dreads looking nice.

What is a good product for dreads?My dreads do not seem to want to lock after my new growth comes out .?

your welcome for the source :) the people there are amazing, and if you ever have any questions relating to dreads i'm sure someone there would be willing to help :) Report It

What is a good product for dreads?My dreads do not seem to want to lock after my new growth comes out .?

I use products from and they work MIRACLES. Get some Dread Soap, some Wax and some locking accelerator... also, if you spend about 45 minutes a week rubbing the new growth in counter-clockwise circles it'll help it to lock up as it grows.

Good luck!

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