Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I have been reading a lot of questions about black women and our hair and a lot of white people (women in particular) think that most black women wear weaves. I mean how many black women do you know? I grew up around both black and white and most black women do not wear weaves. I have long hair (close to the middle of my back) and so do some of my friends and the ones that don't keep it short for their own personal reasons. I agree a lot of black women have damaged hair because they don't know how to take care of it. But I notice the more I am on Yahoo Answers I see more people (particularly white women) who assume things about black women that are not true and they just spout ignorance as if it is fact.

Also I was thinking it might be geographics I from NYC (the Bronx and Westchester County) and here we were relaxers but we really don't do weaves, you see black women from the carribbean wearing weaves but not the american ones.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Well, count me in as one white woman that doesn't believe that all black women wear weaves. I'm just NOT that ignorant!

Oh, and I'm from Pa., and I do have to agree with the fact you mentioned - that SOME black women have damaged hair because they don't know how to care for their hair properly - but I'd also have to say, I've seen alot of white women whom I'd have to say have bad hair days, too...

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I was looking at a website yesterday and it said that 8 out of 10 black women wear hair extensions of some kind. I know I do, and I am from the south. My hair grows and I always cut it, but then I see a longer style that I like and that is when I put hair extensions in my hair. Report It

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I'm white and I share an office with a black girl...She comes in every week with a new hairdo and other than telling her whether it looks good or not (She's cool with honesty) I never once have questioned whether or not it was her real hair!!

You had this question directed more a women even though you said "White People"...Sorry for anwsering but I see her everyday and that thought has never crossed my mind...So I figured I'd anwser..

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

My guess would be that white people do not know a whole lot about black people's hair in general.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I don't think that.

Do I see seams up there? Hmmm..girl you need a touch up.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

More racial black and white stuff. It gets boring.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

i lived with 2 black girls for a while, both had weaves. i asked about it and one told me that its because their hair gets more damaged more easily so the weave would protect their natural hair more. i accepted that answer. honestly, i cant tell who does and who doesnt (i only knew they did because i saw the before and after), and i really dont care, its just hair. when i had short hair i wanted to get it done, but i didnt want to pay or sit there that long! lol

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

i love black womans hair

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I live in the South, but I don't think all black women wear weaves. I am also a white female, and I find it just as insulting that you would stereotype us with your question.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I don't know maybe its because movies portray it. But I know a lot of black women who don't wear weaves. I know a lot fo women who are relaxing they're hair more than ever too.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Let me tell you the truth girl....white women are wearing weaves even more so than black women it adds volume, and texture, and length....they are the ones wearing the weaves more and more these days......it seems like you black women just showed the the way to go.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Ok, I don't know the percent of weave wearers, but I do know that black hair grows slower than white hair, so a lot of black women get weave until their hair grows out. Girl, I live in the south (I am white) and I see a lot of women wear weave. I know that not everyone wears it, but I see more does than don'ts. So, I guess that is our experience.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I think people are just ignorant and don't know any better, especically if they didn't grow up around a lot of black women. The geographics might have a lot to do with it, too, as you said in your posting. Depending on where you go in the US, people might not even know what a weave is! I wouldn't assume that of all white women, though - it might just seem that way because of the postings youve read. Hopefully they'll read your post and it will educate them differently!

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

at least they are asking about it and there are people here letting them know that not every black woman has a weave. not everyone lives in an area as diverse as new york or boston. my ex roommate from college came from a town with only a handful of black people. it took her 2 months to realize i was black. poor thing she was so shocked.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Because a lot of people are either stupid or uninformed of the concept of hair relaxers.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

i dont think alot of white women wear weaves. you can pretty much tell if someone's wearing a weave. Even some white girls wear extensions and things too. As a white girl, i have to say i really dont care or put too much thought into it! ;)

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

who cares how you wear your hair, whether real or not are they paying for it? NO! short, long, straight, curly, kinky, relaxed, layered, spiked, whatever

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Look at it this way--the people here who are asking those questions are trying to learn, even if the may not be phrasing their questions in a totally PC way. They may well be asking those questions because they don't know many black women, if any. Rather than criticizing them for their ignorance, use it as an opportunity to educate them--politely and patiently--so that they won't have those assumptions anymore. That's why we're all here, right? To learn and help each other?

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I'm not a white firl, but here's what I know. One reason is the hairstyles some wear, who would want to sit still that long? I belong to a Black American Legion Post and all the girls talk about is how difficult it is to grow their hair out, hard to style it the way they want.

In this AL Post, if their hair is not short, 90% it's weaves. Plus go into a beauty store that caters to Black women and there are a lot of weaves on display. Add to this the shows on tv where the weave gets pulled of any time Black girls get in a fight. Just my insight.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

So your question is....why do white women think black women wear weaves? I dont think white women look at a black women and say "oh she is wearing a weave" I dont see why this would offend someone anyways. I know black women who do wear weaves and some who dont. I think it is ignorant to assume that all white women think a black women is wearing a weave, its really not important.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I'm white and I never thought about how most black women wear their hair.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Well I am white and I don't think that! But you are the one stereotyping!!

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Why such the us/them mentality?

Anyway, I'm white, and work with more than half african american women and men. Many of the women use relaxers and a good percentage use weaves, and some wear wigs. Either way, its just how to do your hair. I don't really care one way or the other.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I'm not sure if geography has anything to do with it but the majority of black women I've encountered do not wear weaves. That seems to be the exception and not the rule. It is interesting though, that you're suggesting that perhaps standards of beauty are different down South than they are in the North, whereas they seem to like the long hair and perhaps other European standards of beauty that aren't necessarily in tune with what everyone else is doing. They also have a thing for a fair complexion, which is often spoken of, admirably, though derogatorily, through many ignorant descriptions I won't bother to go into detail about. I'm in the South now, somewhat, OK I'm in Virginia but I never thought about which I see more; long hair, which more often than not is weave if it's longer than shoulder length, or shorter hair. I think it's about the same to be completely honest with you. Perhaps you're speaking of further South like Atlanta and Florida, Louisiana, Southwest like Texas and L.A.

I like relaxers though many people are adamant about natural hairstyles. That too can be damaging to the hair if not done properly or too often, but whatever. There is a price to pay for beauty, but one has to be willing to accept the beauty they were given at the same time. But this whole thing about criticizing what a lot of us do to be beautiful I think too much is made of it. Supposedly a lot of men do not like the artificial thing, because it is supposed to say something about who that person really is but quite honestly, a lot of people who don't dress themselves up in that way are just as false.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

Gee, being a white woman, I have never thought of that. Actually never occurred to me that most white women think black women wear weaves. Isn't that also a generalization of white women?

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

so sterotyped aren't we? What if I said why do all black people think that white women have fake boobs, or something dumb like that LOL, seriously, its the same like how some women get extensions, if their hair looks really nice, people are like damn nice hair! wow!

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

i dunno, but i know a lot of women in hollywood wear weaves now. its like the new trend. as for everyone else, that is a stereotype, and frankly i don't think people are worried about your hair or anyone elses as much as you are.

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

don't worry i sense jealousy on their part cuz there is only so much white girls can do w/ their hair they want to focus on talking **** about other ppl hair.....don't worry they'll eventually let it go....i hope so

Why do white people think that most Black women wear weaves?

I'll agree with you about black women hair being damage because lack of care, but where I'm from a lot of Black women do where weave. It's either micro braids, Tracks, Pony tails, etc. If I was to give a percentage, I'd say about 75% of the black women(even little girls) wears weave. Me personally I like the natural look, and if you take care of your hair, your real hair will get as long as the fake hair, and you can style it just like you would the weave!!!

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