Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

Lucky is a 7 year old male house dog. We got Lucky when he was only 3 weeks old. He has always been a house dog. We bathe Lucky approximately once a month, with dog shampoo. He has shiny jet black hair with a white streak on his neck/chest area. He is very loved and cared for. We exercise him by taking a 1 1/2 mile walk/run 2-3 times a week. We also take walks around our apartment complex every day. Lately he has been rubbing his behind on the carpet and I'm wondering what is causing this. When he does this I immediately go shampoo a towel and clean around his tail area. This will stop him from doing that for a while, but in a day or so or sometimes later that night he will do the same thing. Is he catching something, orshould I see his vet about this?

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

Take you r dog to the vet, there could be several things...


Anal glands

or just plain itchy...

Best left to your Vet to diagnose.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

He might need to have his anal glands expressed. Take him to the vet and they can do it for you and show you how in case it needs doing again.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

anal glands need to be expressed by the vet.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

worms, worms, worms....

it can definitely be a sign of worms for wqhich he needs traetment asap with a worming pill and you and anyone elsae in the household needs to be super vigilant with hygine cos you can catch them i think...

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

well i have a dog that does it too and people say he might have worms. And ive seen a dog with worms and it does that too. Or it might just be using the rug as his own personal toilet paper.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

Sometimes dogs get irritated anal glands. It would be similar to hemorrhoids. Take him to the vet, and get advice on what to do. He may also have a mild case of worms. Your vet will know what all to do and check for when you call and say that your dog does the carpet rub.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

I think he would need his anal gland cleaned. If he's rubbing his behind or try to bite his behind, it is possible that his anal gland is full and needs to be squeezed. Sometimes dogs could clean their anal glands by scooting, but if they continue doing it, it would probably mean that we will have to do it for them. It will be a nasty job. Maybe you could ask your vet to teach you how to do it, or your groomer.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

He probably needs his anal glands expressed. A groomer or your vet can do it for under $10. He's scooting his butt because he's uncomfortable, trying to get the liquid out of his anal glands.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

He more than likely needs his anal glands expressed. You can have the vet do it, or, if your groomer does it, have him/her do it since the dog will more than likely need a bath after his anals are has an odor.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

It sounds like he needs his anal glands expressed. The vet will do this, it just takes a few minutes. I have also heard that this can be symptoms of having a worm. Either way, you have to go to the vet.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

A lot of people think that the reason dogs do this is because they have worms, but that isn't necessarily true. Most dogs scoot their butt on the carpet when their Anal Glands get full. And even though he has never had a problem before, it can arise at any time. Anal Glands are two little scent glands that are located just inside the anus. Dogs normally express them when they go to the bathroom. But because dogs don't really need these scent glands anymore, they sometimes get full, and this can cause irritation, which can cause them to scoot on the carpet. It is best to take your dog into the vet and tell them he is scooting, and ask them to check his anal glands. Good luck, I hope this helps.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

He may need his anal glands cleaned. The vet can do that and it's pretty cheap

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

this is confusing!

dogs are funny when they do that

could he be itchy ?

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

He is either impacted or has picked up worms on his walks. Do the people in the complex pick up the poo. If not more of the dogs will wind up the same way. Get in touch with the manager if you find he picked them up.

Why do my dog (7 yr. old black lab) rub his behind on the carpet?

Oh he's just itching! I guess that's the only way they know how. Just just to be safe, get him de-wormed and make sure he is up to date on frontline or advatix (whatever you use, but those are the best). If it continues go see your vet and get his anal glands checked. Also when you give him a bath make sure you wash his butt!

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